Dragon Shamanism® 2024/5

Dragon Shamanism® 2024/5
Dragon Shamanism® 2024/5 – A Year of Magic and Healing
Greetings, I am Kev, though some know me as EnglishMystic. As we progress through the Year of the Wood Dragon, let us rekindle the ancient magic within, remembering the healer in each of us. The time has come to awaken your mystical gifts and embrace the wisdom of Dragon Shamanism® to heal yourself and the world around you.
For over a decade, I have journeyed with the powerful healing energies of the Earth and the Cosmos. Through Shamanism, Reiki, and Rahanni Celestial Healing, I’ve been blessed to work with sacred rituals, from the rhythmic beat of the drum to the song of the gongs and the gentle flutter of feathers.
I love to assist others on their healing journeys, guiding them to release their deepest wounds and traumas. And, my greatest joy lies in teaching others to tap into these energies for themselves, becoming a hollow bone, a channel for the divine, and empowering people to heal from within. The Dragon Council call me the Master Teacher.
If you’ve ever felt the call to learn more about Dragon healing energies, then Dragon Shamanism® is for you.
You’ll connect with your Dragons and spirit guides, build your healing temple, and connect more deeply to your light body, have adventures in non-reality with your guides, some will be animals, others spirit, and you may even connect with Goddesses and Gods.
You will remember the healing abilities of your mind, body & soul and embody the true Mystical being that you are.
Recently one of the students in “Mystical You”, my foundation in Shamanism course, was riding her spirit animal, a massive White Elephant and talking with a Gorilla, another met her power animal a giant Lion. I'll also connect you with the Dragon guides I work with, The Dragons of the Runes, the Rainbow Dragons, Cloud Dragons and give you the chance to fledge a Dragon from an Egg and bring it up in this World, there is something very special about having Dragon's on your team, and flying on their backs is a marvellous experience.
You will start as an Initiate and learn the foundations of Dragon Shamanism, then progress through Novice, Healer, and onto Master.
The Dragon Shamanism will run through the year, it will be Three Modules, Initiate, Novice, and Healer, and each one will be delivered spaciously, with regular video calls and integration breaks, taking you from Initiate to Healer, so you are ready to step into Master in Dragon Shamanism.
Register your interest in the Dragon Shamanism year, and share your details below.
The next course starts 5th NOVEMBER 2024 at 7 p.m. ( London ) - See the EARLY DRAGON PRICE !!
The FULL course price is £ 2,999 ( $ 3,626 ) - I have several payment options, so you can spread the course fee over the year and pay over three months or monthly. I will Invoice you once we've chatted. Please confirm your details and then on the following page, book a time for us to have a discovery call.
Pricing in USD $ the approx price, depending on the exchange rate of the day, is Initiate £ 999 ( $1,310), Novice £ 1,500 ($1,966), and Healer £ 1,999 ($2,620) - the full course is discounted from £ 4,498 to £ 2,999 ( $3.960 ), and Early Dragon of £1111 is $1,456.
If you decide to take the three modules individually the costs are: Initiate £ 999, Novice £ 1,500, and Healer £ 1,999 - the full course is discounted from £ 4,498 to £ 2,999 if you sign up for the complete course over the year and you can pay monthly to spread the fee over the length of the course.
And for those action takers the price is just £ 1111, if you pay in full in September before the 25th, after that the price returns to those noted above.
If you’re ready to embrace your mystical nature and learn to heal yourself, my next course begins in November 2024. Register your interest below.
The Dragons await.
Register your interest today and book a discovery call.
In Dragon Shamanism - Dragon’s in Healing, we explore the world of healing with Dragon Spirit Guides and share rituals you can use daily.
The Wisdom of Dragon Shamans: "We are source beings of pure light. We have always been. As source beings, we are not limited by your Earth time paradox. We do not exist in the same sense that you do. We roam through all realities, realms, dimensions, and existences. At this moment in time, we are here to assist your sister, your mother, whom you call Earth or Gaia. We helped create her and all life and are here to assist her in this moment as she needs. We have always been allies with your kind. Over time, you forgot us, and some of you belittled us as you do all magic. Magic is real, and we are what you would call magic. One day, you will see dragons and magic in the same way that you see breathing – it’s just something that happens, something you do. We want humans to remember us. Come, fly with us, and return to that unity."
The Wisdom of Dragon Shamans and Their Role as Guides
In the mystical realms of shamanic practice, few allies are as revered or as powerful as the Dragons. These ancient beings, often misunderstood and shrouded in legend, have been guiding, protecting, and healing for millennia. Their presence in the shamanic world is not just symbolic; it is a living, breathing connection that can transform the life of a practitioner. Dragons, in their vast wisdom, have been Shamans in their own right, wielding the power of the elements, crossing dimensions, and offering their guidance to those willing to walk the path of the Dragon Shaman.
The Legacy of Dragon Shamans
Dragons have existed long before the dawn of humanity, their consciousness spanning across time and space, learning and evolving. They are the keepers of ancient wisdom, holding the knowledge of the cosmos within their very being. Some Dragons have taken on the mantle of Shamans, becoming the ultimate spiritual practitioners. They have mastered the art of healing, protection, and transformation.
As Dragon Shamans, these mighty beings have the ability to travel between worlds and dimensions with ease, transcending the boundaries that limit mortal understanding. They are deeply connected to the Earth, the elements, and the very fabric of existence itself. Their knowledge is not just of this world, but of many worlds, each with its own lessons and energies. By working with a Dragon Shaman, a practitioner gains access to this vast reservoir of wisdom and power.
Dragons as Guides: The Path to Healing
In shamanic practice, healing is a multifaceted process, involving the restoration of balance within the body, mind, and spirit. Dragons, with their ancient wisdom, are unparalleled guides in this process. They see beyond the physical symptoms of illness, understanding the root causes that lie in the energetic and spiritual realms. When a Dragon chooses to guide a shamanic practitioner, it brings with it the ability to heal on a profound level.
The Dragon's connection to the elemental forces of nature allows it to work with energies that are often beyond the reach of human understanding. A Dragon can channel the fire of transformation, burning away old patterns and blockages that hinder healing. It can call upon the waters of renewal, cleansing the spirit and washing away the residue of past traumas. The air brings clarity of thought and vision, while the earth provides grounding and stability, anchoring the healing in the physical world.
In a healing session, the presence of a Dragon can be felt as a powerful yet gentle force, guiding the practitioner’s hands and thoughts. They may help to clear energy blockages, realign chakras, and repair the subtle energy bodies. Dragons can also act as mediators between the shamanic practitioner and the spirit world, ensuring that the healing is supported by other benevolent spirits and energies.
Dragon Shamanism
Learn how to connect to your Dragon Spirit Guides and create your Sacred Space. A place to connect fully to your mind, body, and soul. You'll remember how to:
- Clear your mind, body & soul with healing frequencies
- Connect with the Wind, Air, Fire & Water
- Connect with the Directions, North, South, East & West
- Connect with Goddesses
- Connect with Archangels
- Meet your Spirit Guides
- Embody Ancestral Gifts
- The 37 Modules lead you through a powerful initiation into the world of Dragon Shamanism
- Bonus content is access to the 27 Dragons of the Runes Shamanic Journeys where you connect with twenty-seven powerful Dragons of the Runes
It’s time to remember who you are.
It is my role, my Dharma, to provide you with a memory jog so that you remember for yourself how Magical you are.
Remember why you are here, tap into your Higher Purpose for this lifetime, and into your Own Magic.
Eight years ago I started to remember my Magic, a decade before that I had my first true Dark Night of The Soul, as my Soul stirred me from my slumber, so I know what it’s like to start to remember and how confusing it can be.
In this Dragon quest, You will visit the Wind, the Fire, The Earth, and the Water elements and remember your Magic.
You, Will, learn to call on the powers and abilities of the Directions, North, South, East & West, and connect with Goddesses and Archangels for protection and guidance.
You will connect with the six corners of your own ‘Shamanic Temple’, meet each of your spirit guides, and pull in all your power and magic.
You will remember all the times that your Guides have guided and protected your life, in this and all others.
As your human guide, I approach this from a spiritual-combo of Reiki Master & Shamanic practitioner and lead you through the same process that has assisted me in remembering my Magic, my Reason for this life and it has me now living my Purpose and Dharma.
Dragon Shamanism leads you, from beginning Shamanic Journeying or enhancing if you already have experience of Shamanic Journeys, through remembrance and re-introduction to your Dragon Spirit Guides. We build up all of the powerful connections using the six directions ritual { ABOVE BEFORE BELOW BEHIND RIGHT AND LEFT } and find your Temples Guides, Main guide(s), and your Protection guide(s).
Once you have your guides around you, you are set to fully remember who you are and why you are here this time around. With a solid base to explore, I set you off on more remembrance, by asking your Ancestors to assist and help you clear an Ancestral wound and Embody a gift that your wisest Ancestors know will help you on this life journey.
Dragon Shamanism is a foundation to remember who you are and find the next step for your life, empowered by a solid and magical base, your ‘Shamanic Temple’ { which easily transmutes into your Merkaba ‘Vehicle of Light’ }
I will guide you through the following activations, rituals, and remembrances, to awaken your mind, body, and soul to Your Magical Gifts and Your Higher Purpose.
- Magical Shamanic Journeying
- Six Ways Flow Movement
- Six Ways Flow Ritual
- The Four Directions
- The Four Elements
- The Four Goddesses
- The Four Archangels
- Shamanic Temple creation
- - Introduction to Shamanic Journeying
- - Main Dragon Spirit Guide remembrance
- - Dragon Body protector remembrance
- - Above Dragon Spirit connection remembrance
- - Before Dragon Spirit connection remembrance
- - Below Dragon Spirit connection remembrance
- - Behind Dragon Spirit connection remembrance
- - Right Dragon Spirit connection remembrance
- - Left Dragon Spirit connection remembrance
- - Additional Dragon and Spirit team connections to remember
- - Meet twenty-seven Dragons of the Runes - a powerful team to ally with
- - Map the Draong & Spirit connections to you Shamanic Temple
- Shamanic Drum Frequency Healings
- Remembering Your Magic & Higher Purpose
- Ancestral Wounds Healing & Gift Embodiment

In the Shamanic practice, we go on journeys to alternate realities.
You lie down, close your eyes, and aided by a soft and continuous ‘magical’ drumbeat, you imagine a gateway to an otherworld, often that’s down and can be up and often the up becomes the down!.
Entering this parallel universe, you can meet and dialogue with Animals, Lions, and Dragon & Fairy presences, you might even meet Gods and Goddesses as well.
This waking dream ritual is exceedingly ancient and has many terms to explain its use, here, for this now, we call it Shamanic Journeying.

We create an image of our temple and map all the elements we have pulled together into a diagram to cement the knowledge for ourselves.
We map the Compass directions, Element, Goddesses, Archangels and EACH of our Dragon and Spirit Guides we connected with.
Our Shamanic Temple / Sacred Space is defined.

You will have in place your powerful Shamanic Temple / Sacred Space and will and be empowered to visit with your Guides, the compass Directions, the Elements, the Goddesses & Archangels and request their assistance with all the powers and abilities they hold.
You will truly have a very powerful place to move from in life.

Healing the ANCESTRAL wounds
The, Healing the ANCESTRAL wounds portal was born out of an idea from Karen Goldstein to hold an Ancestral Ascension Summit, that summit took place in January 2022 and we wanted to share this beautiful and important healing with you. From an Akashic perspective and a Shamanic once, two healings just for you.
The Initiate level detailed above sets the foundations for your full Dragon Magic remembrance.
With your Shamanic healing temple defined you will be ready to remember your Healing gifts and create your own Healings Book.
During Novice we will learn the following Healings and then move into more advanced Healings and Rituals at Healer level.
Initiate Level:
- Shamanic Journeying to Lower Realms, Middle Realms and Higher Realms
- Spirit Animals connection
- Spirit team connection
- Dragon team connection
- Dragons of the Runes connection
- Shamanic temple/healing house creation
- Additional Dragon and spirit guide connections
Novice Level: Healing with the Dragons
- Grounding / Earthing
- Chakra Cleanse
- Distance Healing
- Drum frequency healing
- Feather healing
- Healing with Plants
- Stone healing
- Rattle healing
- Crystal healing
- Smudging
- Egg healing
Healer Level: Healing with the Dragons
- Sacred water creation
- Dismemberment
- Soul song
- Vision quest
- Intrusion tunnel
- Soul Retrieval
- Psychopomp
- Channel Prayer
Master Level:
You will work with your Dragons and spirit guides and the Galactic and Dragon councils and your journey will be unique to you and only you and they can truly map this for you, of course the group will be your allies in all you do in the future and can be used as a sounding board.
Dragon Shamanism
Put the techniques you learn into practice during the learning sessions.
And share in the course what you see, I'll be watching for your comments.
This is a safe place where everyone is working on their own Remembrance journey.
Before progressing to the next session in the course, you’ll get a journaling prompt. This will help your thoughts flow. Then when you come to the other classes, you’ll be ready with the needed information.
Most students find it powerful to learn that others are having similar struggles and hear the creative ways they are showing up for themselves amongst the chaos of their lives while embodying their Magic
We can’t wait to connect and grow with you!
And if you want a personal connection, we can do that too.
Most would describe me as an adventurer, shaman, horse rider and business owner. But in reality, I am so much more than that. And so are you.
Society may put us in boxes, but that doesn't mean we have to stay there. So let's break free from who we think we should be and start living the fulfilling, Magical life we deserve.
Join me on a journey of self-discovery, and unapologetic confidence as you Remember You're Magic in Dragon Shamanism.
*image is me in Peru about to get soaked under a fresh waterfall, wearing my Wim Hof breathwork T-shirt and adventures hat :)
Have you ever felt like something is missing in your life? That there is more to life? Have you wanted to know WHY you are here on Earth? Wanted to reconnect with Magic that you knew as a kid? Intrigued by the Mystical and want to know more about Dragons and Shamanism and Rituals?
If so, then the Dragon Shamanism Masterclass is definitely for you.
We'll help you tune into the alternate realms and introduce you to the Mystical, so you can Remember You ARE Magic.

I will guarantee that I will turn up and be there for you.
I cannot guarantee any results, as that depends a lot on your focus and input to the process.

"Hello, dear friends of the mystical journey! I'm Kev, your guide through the realms of shamanism, dragons, and spiritual awakening. Today, I bring you something truly special – a heartfelt review from one of our cherished participants, Sarah, about our Galactic Mysticism course.
But before we dive into the wisdom and magic that Sarah shares, let me tell you what makes this course so extraordinary. It's an 11-month deep dive into the ancient art of shamanism, a voyage through the cosmos of spiritual discovery, and a path to unlocking the infinite potential within you.
Our community here, united by a passion for healing and growth, has embarked on this profound journey together. We explore the realms of the unknown, connect with our spirit guides, and embrace the power of the mystical.
So, without further ado, let's hear Sarah's heartfelt words about her experience with Galactic Mysticism. Her review is not just a testament to the course but a glimpse into the transformative power of shamanism and the extraordinary connections we forge on this path.
Get ready to be inspired, enchanted, and, perhaps, join us on this incredible adventure of self-discovery and healing. Let's dive right in!" 🌌🔮

🌟 Exciting News! 🌟Rose-Marie of Sweden had an amazing experience with our "Meet Your Dragon Thunder" and the current “Galactic Mysticism" Shamanism courses, and she's here to share her thoughts! 🐉
📽️ Watch her heartfelt testimonial: Rose-Marie's journey with us was transformative, and her words truly resonate with the magic of Shamanism. If you're curious about exploring your spiritual path and connecting with your inner dragon, you won't want to miss out on what's coming next! 🔮✨
🐲 Join Us for the Runes of Dragon Course - Starting October 2023 ( runs continuously so you can join at any point )
Unveil the ancient wisdom of the Runes and deepen your connection with your Dragon guides. This October, embark on a mystical adventure like no other. Learn more at www.RunesofDragons.com
🌌 Don't Miss the Galactic Mysticism Course - Coming February 2024 🚀
Prepare to journey through the cosmos and unlock the secrets of Galactic Mysticism. An extraordinary experience awaits you in February 2024.
Are you ready to embark on your own Shamanic adventure? Connect with us and discover the power within you. 🌠
👉 Click the link www.GalacticMysticism.com to learn more and sign up for this incredible course. Let's explore the realms of Shamanism together! 🌿✨
If you love Dragons, come join us for the Dragon Talks that happen each month on the first Sunday, see www.DragonTalks.info for details and join us for the Dragon Thunder Summit, replays of 2023 and register for 2024’s, 24 hours with 24 speakers on Dragons at www.DragonThunder.info
Register your interest and book a discovery call.
You start and in the first 4 months you will be Initiated into Dragon Shamanism, you’ll have met your Dragons and spirit guide team, and been on numerous shamanic journeys exploring and mapping out your non-reality world. You will have experienced the healing energy and started to remember you’re magic.
Then the next 4 Months you will learn the Novice level of Dragon Shamanism, tapping into the energies of the Universe, particularly our strong and healing Mother Earth. You’ll finish with a book full of healing knowledge and lots of healing experiences and be able to share that healing energy with yourself and others.
And another 4 Months you will go deeper into the Dragon Shamanic healing and start to work with the healing energy & spirits much more strongly. After the year you will be ready to step into your self-study and years of dedication to the Mastery of Shamanism. And you will be certified in Dragon Shamanism.
The next course starts in NOVEMBER 2024 - See the EARLY DRAGON PRICE !!
The FULL course price is £ 2,999 ( $ 3,626 ) - I have several payment options, so you can spread the course fee over the year and pay over three months or monthly. I will Invoice you once we've chatted. Please confirm your details and then on the following page, book a time for us to have a discovery call.
Pricing in USD $ the approx price, depending on the exchange rate of the day, is Initiate £ 999 ( $1,310), Novice £ 1,500 ($1,966), and Healer £ 1,999 ($2,620) - the full course is discounted from £ 4,498 to £ 2,999 ( $3.960 ), and Early Dragon of £1111 is $1,456.
If you decide to take the three modules individually the costs are: Initiate £ 999, Novice £ 1,500, and Healer £ 1,999 - the full course is discounted from £ 4,498 to £ 2,999 if you sign up for the complete course over the year and you can pay monthly to spread the fee over the length of the course.
And for those action takers the price is just £ 1111, if you pay in full in September before the 25th, after that the price returns to those noted above.
If you’re ready to embrace your mystical nature and learn to heal yourself, my next course begins in November 2024. Register your interest below.
The Dragons await.
The fee can be spread over the year as several payments if desired.
As well as the weekly video calls and Facebook group, I am offering an in-person retreat element, at £ 555 for a weekend in Dartmoor, England, we will hike to the ancient stone circles on Dartmoor to hold a few ceremonies and have a drum circle, call upon the land and the ancient energies for healing and share songs and prayers.
The additional cost that you would need to meet separately would be for your travel and accommodation locally ( I can assist with recommendations ).
The date is to be confirmed with those who choose this additional adventure.
Registration Open for 2024/25 - The next course starts NOVEMBER 2024.
Payment options are:
1. One Payment £ 2,999 ( *$ 3,626 )
2. Three x Monthly Payments £ 1,000 ( *$ 1,209 )
3. Twelve x Monthly Payments (Total £ 3333 ) £ 277.75 ( *$ 335.85 )
- 4. Full payment before SEPTEMBER 25th - 2024 (BST) £ 1111 ( *$1,456 )
BONUS: In-Person Weekend (Dartmoor) + £ 555 (*$ 680 )
- OR If you decide to take the three modules individually the costs are: Initiate £ 999, Novice £ 1,500, and Healer £ 1,999 - the full course is discounted from £ 4,498 to £ 2,999 if you sign up for the complete course over the year.
* All $ dollar prices are current exchange rate, and as billing occurs in £ sterling, the rate fluctuates daily, so $ the dollar amount will vary and can depend on the method used and how your bank converts the currencies.
Lesson | Date |
Initiation into Dragon Shamanism | |
#1 : Introduction to the Mystical & Magical | 5th November 2024 |
#2 : Six WAYS Flow RITUAL | 12th November 2024 |
#2 : Six Ways Flow Movement | 12th November 2024 |
#3 : The Four Directions | 19th November 2024 |
#3 : The Four Elements | 19th November 2024 |
#3 : The Four Goddesses | 19th November 2024 |
#3 : The Four Archangels | 19th November 2024 |
#3 : Dragon Types | 19th November 2024 |
#4: Introduction to Shamanic Journeying | 26th November 2024 |
#5 : Main Dragon Spirit Guide remembrance | 3rd December 2024 |
#6 : Dragon Body Protector Remembrance | 10th December 2024 |
#7 : Above Dragon Spirit connection remembrance | 17th December 2024 |
#7 : Before Dragon Spirit connection remembrance | 17th December 2024 |
#8 : Below Dragon Spirit connection remembrance | 7th January 2025 |
#8 : Behind Dragon Spirit connection remembrance | 7th January 2025 |
#9 : Left Dragon Spirit connection remembrance | 14th January 2025 |
#9 : Right Dragon Spirit connection remembrance | 14th January 2025 |
#10 : Map the Dragon Spirit connections on your own Temple | 21st January 2025 |
#10 : Six Ways Ritual with All Elements | 21st January 2025 |
#10 : Shamanic Drum Frequency Healings | 21st January 2025 |
#11 : Additional Dragon and other Spirit connections to remember | 28th January 2025 |
#12 : Remembering Your Magic & Higher Purpose | 4th February 2025 |
#13 : Ancestral Wounds Healing & Gift Embodiment | 11th February 2025 |
#14 : Meet the Dragons of the Runes | 18th February 2025 |
Novice in Dragon Shamanism | |
#15 : Shamanic tools & Grounding / Earthing | 11th March 2025 |
#15: Calling in the Guides & Dragons | 11th March 2025 |
#16 : Chakra Cleanse | 18th March 2025 |
#16: Chakra Cleanse Ritual Steps | 18th March 2025 |
#17: Distance Healing | 25th March 2025 |
#18: Drum frequency healing | 8th April 2025 |
#18 - Drum Birthing Ceremony ( idea ) | 8th April 2025 |
#18 - Drum Birthing Video of Freyja ( video example ) | 8th April 2025 |
#19 : Feather healing of the auras | 15th April 2025 |
#19: Feather Aura Healing Ritual | 15th April 2025 |
#20: Healing with Plants | 29th April 2025 |
#21: Stone Healing | 13th May 2025 |
#22 : Rattle Healing | 20th May 2025 |
#23: Crystal Healing | 27th May 2025 |
#24: Smudging | 10th June 2025 |
#25 : Egg healing | 17th June 2025 |
Healer in Dragon Shamanism | |
#26: Recap - Catch up and Q&A | 24th June 2025 |
#27: Sacred water creation | 8th July 2025 |
#28: Dismemberment Healing | 22nd July 2025 |
#29: Soul song | 29th July 2025 |
SUMMER HOLIDAYS - August 2025 | |
#30: Vision quest | 2nd September 2025 |
#31: Intrusion tunnel | 9th September 2025 |
#32: Soul Retrieval | 16th Septmber 2035 |
#33: Ancestral Healing | 23rd September 2025 |
#34: Psychopomp | 30th September 2025 |
#35: Channel Prayer | 7th October 2025 |
#36: Light Language / Dragon Language | 14th October 2025 |
#37: Channelling knowledge | 21st October 2025 |
all dates are open to change - depending on current circumstances.
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Do you have any incentives if I refer a friend?
I loved this masterclass and want more! What other courses do you offer?