"Inspiring divine beings, through the Power of Writing, the Wisdom of Dragon Shamanism®, Building the Dragon Thunder Community, and Celebrating Dragon Unity at the Annual Dragon Thunder Event."
I'm KevÂ
I love Magic, Believe in all things Mystical, and see Miracles all the time...
From an early age, I saw Lions in my bedroom, horses' heads on the pillow, and shoes walking across the landing.
As I've gone through life I've experienced a lot of mystical events, from Dragons visiting me while I hacked out on my horse in the English countryside, through visitations from wise ones, deep realisations during Vipassana 10-day ' monk-like' retreats, to connections with Pachamama in Peru while visiting Machu Picchu and numerous other learnings during Reiki (Master), Rahanni and Shamanic remembrances & time as a Life coach.
If you are interested in receiving or learning about Dragon Shamanism® and the Dragon healing energies I'm your man.

He embodies the Healer archetype so well. I am beyond impressed and inspired by him. You can see he loves his craft and he has found his dharma.
- Katerina Satori
Visionary Leadership Mentor

Kevin is an outstanding practitioner. His connection to his drum and the magic that unfolds when in a session with him is absolutely spectacular.
- Amanda -
Certified Hypnotherapist

Kevin radiates unconditional love and moves from a place of deep listening to the Mother. It is so important when receiving shamanic work to find a practitioner who is in integrity.
- Juniper Reina Zoraya
Reiki Master Teacher, Somatic Womb Therapist & Mentor

My Story
I always knew I wanted to do something meaningful with my life. From a young age, I was deeply attuned to the energies of people and spaces. My empathic abilities were always strong, though for decades, I suppressed them to fit into the mould of a “normal” life. Yet, I could never fully ignore the subtle currents of energy that weave through everything. Often, they overwhelmed me, forcing me to navigate life carefully and cautiously.
A couple of decades ago, I had a profound awakening, a stomach-deep knowing that my ordinary life wasn’t fulfilling my Soul's purpose. What followed were intense Dark Nights of the Soul, moments of deep despair and questioning. At the time, I had no guide, no map to lead me through. I wandered into the deep, dark recesses of my mind, feeling lost.
But, as I now realise, my spirit team was always guiding me. Their whispers led me to a Reiki Master and, shortly after, to a Shamanic teacher. These encounters cracked my world wide open. I began to embody my gifts fully, uncovering parts of myself I had long buried. Reading Gene Keys by Richard Rudd further cemented what I intuitively knew: my life’s mission is “service to Spirit as a compassionate healer and mystical merger.”
After spending four decades in corporate information technology, I realised that the time had come to embrace my true calling. Throughout my career, I have been quietly honing my mystical skills, taking countless courses, certifications, and practices in healing modalities. I became a Reiki Master, a Rahanni Celestial Energy Healer, and a certified Shamanic Healer. Each step drew me closer to my true purpose, culminating in February 2021, when I left the corporate world to step fully into the role of the EnglishMystic.
Now, I am devoted to Dragon Shamanism, a mystical path guided by the wisdom and power of Dragons. These magnificent beings have become the heart of my work, offering profound healing, guidance, and ancient knowledge. I help others connect with their own Dragon Guides, teaching them how to draw on this extraordinary relationship to transform their lives and step into their true power.
Whether through one-on-one healings, courses, or creative projects, like The Dragon Colouring Book and the profiles of 101 Healer Dragons, I strive to bring the magic of Dragons into the world. Dragon Shamanism is not just my path; it’s my purpose. The Dragons have shown me the courage to embody my true self, the compassion to serve others, and the wisdom to walk this journey with grace.
Every day, I feel honoured to walk alongside these incredible beings, helping others unlock their potential and reconnect with their divine spark. Together, we can remember the magic of life and awaken the healer within us all.
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My Skills
And like most humans, I am multi-skilled and could introduce myself in many ways - such as :)Â
- Hello, I am Kev the EnglishMystic, My work in the world is to normalise the Mystical, and I LOVE sharing the powerful energies of the Universe to help people heal their pains and traumas
- My work in the world is to connect people to their Mystical and Magical skills
- My work in the world is all about reminding people of how mystical they are
- I guide lost Souls back onto their path of remembrance
- I guide people who are remembering their mystical and magical skills
- My clients are people looking to heal themselvesÂ
- My clients are people who love the Mystical and Magical
- My clients are Healers who want some healing for themselves
- My clients LOVE Dragon and Fairies and Unicorns and all manner of mystical creatures
- I truly enjoy the Teaching of mystical knowledge and offer education in Dragon Shamanism over several courses, taking people from Initiate to Novice, to Healer, and onto Mastery.Â
It is great to meet you and I hope we get to talk and exchange ideas.
Much Love to you
Kev - EnglishMysticÂ
Certification as a Reiki Master, and Shamanic Practitioner and Diploma in Shamanic Healing
Reiki Master | Shamanic Healer & Teacher
Learn | Share | TeachÂ

My Promise
I promise as your shaman that If you come to me as a victim, I will not support you.
And, I will have the courage to walk with you through the pain that you are suffering. And yet you must endure it.
I will put you in the alchemical fire and I will sit you with our Mother, Earth, I will bathe you in the waters and stand you in the wind.
I will bless you with smoke and herbs, I will purge your bodies, and you will vomit the rage and the darkness inside you.
I'll put you to stand barefooted in the grass, arms up to the sky, then before you, and then to Mother Earth, behind to your ancestors and right then left to connect you to yourself.
I will blow into your crown to clean the old memories that make you repeat the same behaviours.
I will blow your forehead to scare away the thoughts that cloud your vision.
I will blow your throat to release the knot that won't let you talk your truth.
I will blow your heart to infuse pure courage, so fear cannot ever stop you again.
I will blow your heart again to make you warm, to rekindle your desire to feel, create and start again.
I will blow your solar plexus to extinguish the fire of the inadequacy you carry inside, and you will know peace.
I will blow with powerful fire into your belly to burn the attachments and the love that was not.
I will blow away the lovers that left you, the children that never came.
I will blow with force your lower chakras, to clean the sexual door to your soul.
I will blow away the garbage that you collected trying to love what did not want to be loved.
I will use the alchemical fire and safely clean all the bitterness inside you.
I will blow your hands to destroy the ties that prevent you from creating.
I will blow on your feet to erase the footprint memories, so you can never return to that bad place.
I will turn your body, so your face will kiss the earth.
I will blow along your spine from the root to the neck to increase your strength and help you walk upright and release all your tension.
I will cleanse your auras with the Shamanic drum, the deep frequencies cleansing you fully and healing all wounds.
And I will let you rest, in peace as you recalibrate the new frequency of your life.
After this, you will release it all And cry, and after crying you will sleep, and you will dream beautiful and meaningful dreams.
And you will rest…….
And when you wake up I'll be waiting for you.
I will smile at you, and you will smile back. Your eyes will say it all.
I will offer you food and water that you will eat and drink with pleasure, tasting your new life, and I will thank you.
Because what I’m offering today, was offered to me before when darkness lived within me.
And after I was healed, I felt the darkness leaving, and I cried.
Then we will walk together, and I will show you my garden, and my plants, and I will take you to the fire again.
And we will talk together in a single voice with the blessing of the earth.
And we will shout to the forest the desires of your heart.
And the fire will listen and whisper the echo, and we will create hope together.
And the mountains will listen and whisper the echo, and we will create hope together.
And the rivers will listen and whisper the echo, and we will create hope together.
And the wind will listen and whisper the echo, and we will create hope together.
And then we will bow before the fire, and give our thanks, and we will call upon all the visible and invisible guardians who journey with us.
And you will say thank you to all of them from the depths of your being.
And you will say thank you to yourself for being.
And you will say thank you to our Mother Earth for holding us so firmly.
And you will say thank you.
And you will go out into the world, a renewed bright shining light, spreading Joy wherever we go…
And you will be……..
Authorship: EnglishMystic