Katara Sky on Dragon Talks


Katara Sky is a Lightwarrior on a mission to better the world - she works with fellow Lightworkers and Woo-preneurs to Amplify their Energy and Elevate Consciousness together. As a healer, teacher, cosmic weaver and activator, Katara shares her work through 1 : 1 and group coaching, shamanic practices, light language and teaching qigong / energetic fitness. Almost as long ago as a past life it seems, Katara used to work the corporate 9-5. Although really, it was closer to 70+ hour work weeks and very far from a sense of fulfilment. In her search for more meaning and purpose, she went through an intense few years of self and soul searching through over 3000+ formal and informal spiritual trainings and experiences.

Katara always had a love for the mystic, magic and fantasy, but never really quite understood WHY until she was initiated into shamanic practices. In a way, she always "knew" that Phoenix was important and relevant for her, and in Katara's very first shamanic journey to meet a soul teacher, it was indeed Phoenix who came. It was more common for Katara to see 'mystical creatures' as guides rather than earthly animal totem guides. Her teacher attributed that to the fact she's just had more lives in these realms!

These days, Katara and 'Awakening Dragons' is about re-membering our multidimensional true nature. She holds space and activates transformational journeys for people to awaken and activate energies to come into their unique authentic expression of their Light. Dragons and cosmic vibes lead the way. We can be missing a bit part of the truth about ourselves and the universe if we ignore the multidimensionality of who we really are.

More importantly, how do we bring these energies through in an embodied and pragmatic way to be of service to other evolving souls?

In our Dragon Thunder talk, Katara shares:

- About her encounters with Dragon and letting these beings lead the way

- How to be pragmatic and grounded in our spiritual path of human potential

- Why Qi Gong helps us connect to Light beings

- A light language energy transmission

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Join Katara January 11th in Awaken, A QiGong / Energy Training Course designed for Lightworkers