Meet Karen Remy: Embodiment Mentor & Creative Principle

Meet Karen Remy: Embodiment Mentor & Creative Principle

Karen Remy is a multi-faceted soul on a mission to help others discover their unique essence. As an Embodiment Mentor and Creative Principle, she blends her experiences in physical theatre, holistic healing, and mystical exploration to guide individuals towards self-recognition.

Podcast Highlights:

  •  Soul Aim Podcast: Karen hosts the Soul Aim podcast, where she delves into sensory, body, and soul journeys. The episodes cover topics such as inner child exploration, nature contemplation, meditation, mysticism, Taoism, Kabbalah, and Human Design.

Artistic Ventures:

  •  Karen's artistic pursuits include sculpting, painting, and mixed-media installations. Her performances, like "When We Were Trees" and "Golem Erwachen," merge dance with nature, creating immersive experiences. 
  •  One aspect of her artistic expression can be seen in Soul Trees, I have a beautiful one myself, called Dragon Heart, see more at

Archetypal Numerology Course:

  •  Karen's Archetypal Numerology course offers a mystical synthesis of Archetypes, Tarot, and Numerology. This transformative journey provides insights into personal growth, relationships, and life cycles, making it a powerful tool for self-discovery. Purchase here

What People Are Saying:

  •  Valencia Ray from the U.S.A. praises Karen's classes for their insightful and fascinating exploration of ancient wisdom.
  •  Lynn Nightingale from Canada highlights the value of Karen's Archetypal Numerology course, emphasizing its impact on planning business ventures.
  •  Participants express enchantment with the course's divine rhythm and its ability to unveil profound truths about their life's journey.

Connect with Karen Remy:


Karen Remy's podcast episode and her courses offer a unique blend of creativity, mysticism, and self-discovery. Join her in unfolding your creative nature and navigating the cosmic dance of numbers and energies.


More EnglishMysic podcast episodes can be heard at or watched on YouTube [ EnglishMysic Vodcast ]  at: