International Dragon Thunder Summit 2023

You missed it! Replays available - REGISTER for JULY 2024 and the Monthly Dragon Talks - with the Summit Speakers

Galactic Dragon Thunder Summit 2024 ; REGISTER NOW for 21st JULY 2024
REGISTER for Dragon Summit 2023 REPLAYS
REGISTER for the Monthly Dragon Talks



Learn from Dragon Experts:

The event features some of the most knowledgeable

and experienced dragon experts,

- Dragon book author Caroline Mitchell

- Andie 'The Dragon' Queen

- Dragon Rider Barbara Worsley

- Dragon Queen Annabelle Merriman

- Dragon Sage Alphedia Arara Kenchington

- Dragon Master Diana Cooper

- The Dragon Within Author Araya AnRa

- Dragon Queen Michelle Hawk

- Sandy the Rose Dragon Heart

- Nicola Soul Wisdom Activator

- Gayatri Dragon Guardians of Truth

- Dragon Alchemist Vinolan 

- Theresa Dragon channel

- Niomi Dragon priestess

- Dina Dragon Art Activator & Channel

- Mystik Merlyn Dragon incarnate

- Kelley White Dragon Master

Prenisha Dragon flame healing

- Sitara Fe Monad Society

- Siddhii Celestial Dragon Healing

- Fabiene Lui Dragon Light Language channel

- Caryn Terres The Dragon Doula 

- Galactic Ashley 

- Atlantis Dragon Medicine Woman

- Carly Dragon Author

- Kieron Brother of Dragons

- Dragon Whisperer EnglishMystic


Scroll down to read about the Speakers

WHAT TIME is 2 p.m. London in MY TIME ZONE??


Unleash Your Inner Dragon! The July International Dragon Thunder Summit promises to be an exciting opportunity for dragon enthusiasts to connect with each other and learn from renowned experts in the field.


International Dragon Thunder Summit 

Unleash Your Inner Dragon! The July International Dragon Thunder Summit promises to be an exciting opportunity for dragon enthusiasts to connect with each other and learn from renowned experts in the field. 

Here are some reasons why you Must make the time to join the Dragon Thunder Summit:

Learn from Dragon Experts: The event features THIRTY of the most knowledgeable and experienced Dragon experts, including the Dragon book author Caroline Mitchell, Dragon whisperer EnglishMystic, Dragon Riders like Barbara Worsley, and Dragon sage Alphedia Arara Kenchington, Diana Cooper, author of 30 books and the gorgeous Dragon Tarot cards, Michelle Hawk with the Sapphire Dragon Lineage, Annabelle Merriman, the wild woman, Andie Queen the Dragon Queen, Mystik Merlyn a Dragon incarnate, Araya AnRa author of 'Dragon Within', Nicola Brettell-Smith and Channelled Dragons, Sandy Humby with the Elemental & Celestial Rose Dragons, Gayatri Singh and her Dragons Guardians of Truth, Theresa Nguyen a Dragon Channel, Vinolan Ponnan with his Dragon Armour, Niomi Stella Rose a Dragon Priestess, Kelley Springer Butterfly and Dragon Woman, Dina Ziskin-Fortune Dragon Art Activator & Channel, and all things Galactic (a lady with my own hearts loves ), Prenisha Arumugam and Dragon flame healing, Sitara Fe of the Monad Society, Fiona Robertson the Dragon mesenger, Siddhii Shah of Celestial Dragon Healing, Fabiene Lui channels Dragon Light language, Caryn Terres The Dragon Doula, Galactic Ashley channel of divine guidance, Atlantic Wolf "Dragon Medicine Woman.", Peter D and his Dragon Stories, Carly Jane Shua, Souls Dragon Author, Kieron Morgan, Brother of Dragons, and their many Dragons, and others are joining us soon.

Each of these experts brings unique insights and perspectives on the topic of Dragons, which can help you deepen your understanding of these fascinating creatures, spirits, beings, elementals...... 

Connect with Dragon Enthusiasts: The International Dragon Thunder Summit event is an excellent opportunity to connect with other like-minded Dragon enthusiasts from around the world. 

By joining this event, you will have the chance to network with others who share your passion for Dragons and exchange ideas and experiences. 

Gain New Insights and Knowledge: The event promises to offer a wealth of new insights and knowledge about Dragons, from their magical powers, and symbolism to their role in our modern times.

By participating in the various talks, and discussions, you can expand your understanding of these magical beings and gain a deeper appreciation for their place in our world. 

In conclusion, the July International Dragon Thunder Summit is an excellent opportunity for Dragon enthusiasts to connect, learn, and have fun. 

By joining this event, you can deepen your understanding of Dragons and their place in our world while connecting with other passionate individuals from around the globe.







Mystik Merlyn:












Gayatri: Oracle Dragon Guardians of Truth




South Africa:





















Sunday 2nd July 2023: 2 p.m.

to 11 p.m. ( London)

Each of these experts brings unique insights and perspectives on the topic of dragons, which can help you deepen your understanding of these fascinating creatures. 

Diana has been working with the angelic realms since her guardian angel appeared to her. Her mission is to connect people to angels, dragons, unicorns and Atlantis for personal and planetary ascension. She has written over 30 books that are translated into 28 languages and produced many card decks.
"I feel so blessed to be incarnated now during this time of massive change on the planet.  My whole life is devoted to sharing the information and light I am given by the angels, unicorns and dragons, as well as the great Illumined Masters.  They often download new ascension energies to me when we are ready for them and I pass them on.  I hope you will find inspiration and information on my website and I invite you to join me in deeper exploration and connection in my on-line or personal appearance events."



East Coast Dragon Lady - Barbara was born in London, England where she studied nursing and practiced as a Registered Nurse (RN). She moved to the United States 1991, where she has maintained caregiving & management roles for the majority of her career.
As a single mother of two teenage boys after her divorce, Barbara worked two jobs for many years, until returning to her true spiritual path after, "Life happened", as she so affectionately puts it.

She is a natural healer, Reiki and polarity therapist, Mind Body Spirit practitioner, and Master Toe Reading are a few of the many modalities that she currently practices.

Best known for her ability to channel, Barbara connects with Ascended Masters, ArchAngels, Galactics, and Dragons, to bring messages of comfort to those who are awakening to the New Golden Age.

Merlin has been her guide for over 30 years and plays a main role in connecting her to all those who wish to receive messages. She is now affectionately known as the East Coast Dragon Lady and can help bring forth messages of love, light & comfort.
She is the mother to two wonderfully resourceful sons and they all live together in Amesbury, Massachusetts, with a cat, dog, and spirit team unlike any other.

Sign up for my newsletter via my website I will send you a channeled dragon message.



Caroline is the UK’s leading dragon lady, dragon author and channeler and has been working with the dragons since 2005.

Caroline is the author of the bestselling oracle cards The Dragon Path Oracle and the book How to Live with Dragons, both of which are published by Watkins.

She is also a Reiki Master, Dragon Guided Reiki Master, Dragon Healing Practitioner, Crystal Healing Practitioner, Meditation and Mindful Meditation teacher. She has also been reading the tarot for over 30 years and working as a professional psychic and reader - she has guided and supported thousands of people to navigate their way through life, whether this be personal or business.

Caroline has over 20 years experience as a workshop leader and facilitator. More recently, she has been a regular lecturer at the College of Psychic Studies in central London. She has taught thousands of people, sharing her knowledge and wisdom on everything from dragons to meditation to teaching the tarot cards and much more.



Michelle Hawk (she/her) began practicing Shamanism in 2003. Her lineages come from Hungarian and Celtic shamanism. A naturally gifted psychic and intuitive channel, Michelle’s work with Alchemy, Shamanic energies, and multiple certifications as a Master Healer allow her to offer the deepest level of transformational work.

She mentors and trains practitioners in Shamanic Alchemy and the healing arts, and helps people master their intuitive gifts and magical birthright. Michelle has been channeling and working with Dragons since 2017.

She offers transmissions from the Dragonheart Council and initiates awakened lineage holders into the Sapphire Dragon Line.




Annabelle is a bestselling author and a Life Expansion Expert. She helps conscious women leaders reclaim their feminine inner power, without doubt, or second-guessing, so they can expand their possibilities and design life on their terms. 

Annabelle’s mission is to transform global anxiety about the future into unshakable trust and inner knowing so that women can all be guided by their inner voice to make grounded, wise and powerful choices. 

When women are empowered and guided by their intuition, the world becomes a place of connection, unity, and celebration.

Annabelle is a dragon 🐉 queen and brings dragon energy in all her offerings. In her session, she will explain how you can connect to your dragon and use dragon energy in your everyday life to create amazing changes and magic.


Alphedia Arara is one of the world's top spiritual channels. Located in Merlindale in the Borders of her homeland of Scotland, Alphedia founded Elemental Beings, a mind, body, and spirit business in 2007 after guidance from Archangel Metatron that she was to write a book on nature spirits and elementals about their environmental messages.

Elemental Beings Ltd offers spiritual guidance, channelings, workshops, retreats, and transmissions from many beings of light in the many realms and dimensions showcasing Alphedia's unique psychic gifts and talents as a spiritual wisdom keeper and healer.
During the time of her spiritual awakening, she was recovering from a serious illness that had left her with a swollen brain and unable to move for over a year and a half. It was during this period she started to hear angels, elementals, and other light beings.

The book Messages from Nature's Guardians was published in 2009 and received 5-star reviews in British spiritual magazines. This led to Alphedia filming an hour's TV documentary for SKY TV on her work with the Elemental Realms.

She has since been on Radio, in newspapers, and given talks and workshops all over the UK. Her client base is all over the world due to her unique offering of Distance Options for her workshops.

Profoundly clairaudient Alphedia hears the Dragons and is able to channel their powerful energy with ease to bring through life-changing workshops, meditations, and healings.

As a graduate in Geography and Environmental studies, she is passionate about Mother Earth and Earth Healing. It is also something the Dragons are here again on Earth to support.

A lot of Alphedia's work is helping people to know what their role is in working with the dragons, helping them to meet their dragon guides and fulfill their missions as Earth Healers and Lightworkers on Earth at this time.
Alphedia uses her unique channeling gift to support people around the world by offering personal channeled messages in her Dragons workshops and retreats.

She also offers Dragon Soul channelings which are extremely popular to give guidance to people on their spiritual journeys from the Dragon realm.
Over the years new dragons have come forward to work with Alphedia including the Crystal Dragon skull consciousness and the Galactic Dragons.
The Dragon Wisdom School is ever-evolving and new workshops and transmissions from the dragons to help us are regularly posted up.



Andie “The Dragon” Queen

I am so happy you are here! I am in love with life, and I love to share that love with all who are ready to receive it. I have struggled with anxiety and depression in the past and from that experience, I have learned how to cultivate joy from within. I have devoted myself to becoming a student of the mystery of life and being present fully each day.

Through this devotion, my everyday life has become a magical experience full of wonder and joy. I know it sounds fantastical but that is what life has the possibility to be, fantastic.

In my work, I have been drawn to esoteric teachings, quantum mechanics, and sacred plant medicines. I enjoy meeting fellow visionaries and building a better world together


SPEAKER - Araya AnRa

Araya is the author of The Dragon Within and affectionately known as The Dragon Lady to many of her friends and clients, as she has a unique relationship with the Dragons that allows her to guide others who experience the Dragons to understand them, connect with them, be healed by them and even wake up to their own Dragon Self. 

 Araya began her spiritual journey of awakening in 1994 after spending 10 days learning the art of meditation at a Buddhist monastery in Southern Thailand. This experience was the 180-degree turn that has led to so many others since then. She began teaching and sharing meditation in 2003. In 2007, Araya had a monumental shift and turning point in her journey with the activation of her connection to her DragonHeart Self. That fall she was able to bring through a tremendous guidebook to work with the dragons - The Dragon Within - which has facilitated new levels of opening for all of its readers.

Now, after many years of teaching and expanding herself, she has a deeper understanding of the connection between Mother/Father God, the Angelic Realms and the Dragons.  She facilitates individual and group programs to help others expand into their own connections with these realms, particularly the Dragons.   For the past 5 years, the Dragons have inspired her Way of the DragonHeart and Quantum Flight Programs to assist those of Dragon Lineage, be they DragonHearts, DragonRiders or DragonKeepers, to fully merge with that highest aspect of themselves and step into who they Truly BE.

Psychic Medium, Healer, Life Coach, Teacher

Author/Creator of Divining with the Dragons Oracle Deck, nominated Best Oracle Deck International Tarot Foundation CARTA Awards 2022 and winner Runner Up Best Debut Artist

Reno, NV, USA

Meet Nicola, published co-author of two books: 'She Is...Unleashing Divine Feminine Power' & 'Goddess' where you can read more about her journey with the dragons. Nicola is a certified Reiki Master & Teacher, Shamanic Practitioner, Moonologer, 7th Dimensional Transference, EFT, Crystal, Chakra & Aura Healing Practitioner, combining her modalities to create bespoke healings for Soul Wisdom Seekers as a Soul Wisdom Activator!

Nicola will always be a Soul Wisdom Seeker first, following signs & synchronicities that take her down a rabbit hole of wonder, myth & magic, gathering knowledge in each field of spirituality that she is guided to explore. This triggers a remembrance deep in her soul which opens her natural healing & intuitive gifts as each new path is explored & each new fear that is uncovered in her are overcome.

Her love of nature takes her out into her local New Forest for regular walks, where in the moments of mindfulness & stillness, she sees the dragons in the trees, the clouds & the hills. She hears the dragons speaking with messages of inspiration & wisdom that she was reluctantly encouraged to share with others by posting 30 consecutive days of channelled dragon messages. She says reluctantly, as she was worried that others might think she’d gone quite mad talking to dragons, but as dragons are always encouraging you to step out of your comfort zone & she trusts the path she is on, she was led to her new tribe of fellow dragon enthusiasts!  

The dragons also call Nicola in her dreams to visit sacred lands & ancient sights such as Avebury, Stonehenge & Glastonbury. Through visiting new lands on the sacred dragon lines, Nicola channels most of her information about the dragons direct from the source & through this: activations from the dragons were downloaded to help clear & cleanse the chakras. As dragons are all about truth, love, courage, strength, empowerment, creativity, passion, being heart centred, aligned, grounded, protected, balanced through the feminine & masculine energies & connection, you can be sure that these aspects are activated within your own powerhouses, as you awaken to embodying these attributes as a way of life, which sets you on your path of your soul mission.

The dragons showed Nicola that we are so interconnected with everything & everyone, that when we holistically heal & balance out our own energies, the interwoven entanglement of the natural world around us will heal too. The dragons said that we have spent too long disconnected from the natural world around us, but as we reconnect to the energies of the earth below & the cosmos above, we can learn the lessons that help us to reconnect with our own physical bodies. 

Nicola set up the Soulful Wisdom Academy, with the support of her dragon clan, to share her knowledge, wisdom & transformative energetic spiritual tools to awaken soul wisdom seekers to their embodied journey as an Earth Star Priestess through her Fearlessly Seeking You Program.™️ This is a journey of self-discovery, personal empowerment & self-love to reconnect with your soul's purpose through your own intuitive guidance. The journey begins in July with Level 1, the Intuitive Dragon Medicine™️, which includes the dragon activations to clear & cleanse your chakras, so you can be a clear open channel to receive & connect more confidently with your own natural psychic & intuitive gifts. The waitlist can be joined here if this is of interest to you.



I AM a multi faceted Energy Alchemist and Visionary Creative for the Divine Feminine Rose codes of light and the Rose Alchemy; Rose Oracle for the Heart which was channelled through me from 2010.

I have a rich and varied background of over 35 years immersed in the world of Wellbeing, Design and Metaphysics and am a Pranic Healer, Pranic Psychotherapist and House Whisperer. At heart I am a natural sensitive and empath with an enduring passion for the Sacred, Alchemical and Mystical in life.  

In these times of great change on the Earth I find myself stepping forward as a voice for a group of loving hearted beings calling themselves the Elemental and Celestial Rose Dragons… here once again on the Earth, to co create with humanity. They have come in support of our evolutionary pathway of empowerment and inner reconnection and help us in bringing full presence to our lives. To be embodied both 100% physical and 100% spiritual and live from a loving and compassionate heart. 

I currently live within the beautiful energy of Avalon, Somerset, weaving with the song lines of this Sacred land and yet so drawn to dancing in the stars. I see my life adventure as an ongoing colourful inner Pilgrimage to fully embody and walk a path of Beauty, Truth and Love… 




Order Oracle deck

An Empath, Clairsentient Intuitive Multi-dimensional energy healer Psychic Medium . Works in guidance with her higher self ,  Galactic and star family Andromedan / Arcturian /Pleiadian/ Lyran / Orion /Sirian councils . 

Cosmic Weaver, World-Bridger, Visionary artist, and creator of the " DRAGONS GUARDIANS OF TRUTH “ Oracle Deck 🐲✨

Cosmik weaving / Intergalactic Journeys Journey into the crystalline chambers of light Connecting to your personal dragon guide healing and co creating with the dragons 🐲✨

Assists in Crossing  over Earth bound souls . Clearing soul contracts / family flows / Ancestral clearing / Soul fragment retrieval .

Removal of implants and entities , lower vibrational chords de cluttering karmic imprints .   

Psycic intuitive readings as well as Oracle card readings questions and answers to specific quarries regarding one's life lessons and higher purpose.


Theresa is a Dragon Channel, Energy Healer, Speaker, and an RN of 20+ years.

She facilitates group experiences Including transformational healing retreats, women’s empowerment events, and sound bath healings. When it comes to transformation and helping others, she has a super power. It is being able to see through the surface and help you to break up with your fear and release the blocked energy so you can find peace, joy, fulfillment, and remember the bad*SS you are!

She primarily works with the Dragons, Archangels, and her Shaman ancestors as a clear channel to assist in your transformational journey of awakening.

Theresa is a motivational speaker and has been featured in the NY Times, US News & World Report, Weight Watchers and other publications. Theresa currently resides in the Dallas, TX area and is married while raising two teenage boys.

Theresa Nguyen, RN MSN
Energy Healer & Speaker


VinDragonHeart is a multidimensional facilitator and holder of space. In the early 2000's, he was initiated into the Usui Tibetan Method of Reiki. With his growing interest in spirituality, he expanded his toolset to include EFT, Grace Healing, Infinity Healing, Light Language and Holographic Principles. 

He currently works with his team of divine workers that includes his soul aspects (Dragons and Crows to name a few) to clear detrimental energies as well as bring in appropriate light body upgrades.

Vin is also the custodian of the Dragon Armour, a spiritual technology that forms a layer of Dragon Skin around a person when activated. The armour was channeled through from his Oversoul. It has the ability to generate frequency fields around the wielder or any other person as directed. Frequencies includes the healing Solfeggio Frequencies as well other frequencies to embody different states of consciousness. 

Vin's passion is to clear traumas, to allow more love to shine through from within.

He is a regular on tiktok under the handle @vin_dragonheart, where he does many free mini healings to assist as meant as appropriate. 

For any enquiries,  he can be emailed at [email protected].




Niomi Stella Rose lives in the North of Sweden and the dragon realm flew into her life 5 years ago when she was pregnant with her 5th child.

Niomi is a light language Kundalini activator, energy worker, Tantric Shamanic Priestess, frequency therapist and Cacao and Rapeh Ceremonialist.

She works with high frequencies to raise the collective frequency and consciousness, empowering others to remember their true divinity and power through love.

You are an ocean of pure love.


Mystik Merlyn (Dean Bottles) is a Dragon Incarnate and has been working with Dragons since 2018, he was initiated as a Dragon Lord in December 2020 shortly after his activation connecting him with Merlin consciousness.
This is a role of an ambassador for all Dragons and he takes it very seriously, through this role he has developed a deep bond with Dragon kind, he has also gained access to the original form of Magik that exists in it's pure form in the Dragon & Faerie Realms.
He is a Physical Medium but I prefer the term Psychopomp as he assist Earth bound spirits to pass on to the next life, he have now developed Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Claircognizant, Clairsentience, Psychometry, Bi & Tri-location.
He doesn't like using the term Healer as it holds a negative perspective in many and to the Medical Community the word Heal is not allowed, he prefers the term Professional Energetic Transmutation Specialist Soul Sovereignty Healing is a new name to express the power of the work he does, his team includes many aspects of this Soul plus his late twin brother Shen the Golden Dragon. Together they focus upon Retrieval, Rescue and Rehabilitation of a Soul this includes removal of entity attachments, contracts, spells, curses and implants of many types.
He has developed his own modality he calls Omni or Omni-Bioenergetics or All Body Energetics with guidance from his Higherself and his 9 Dragon aspects, in this he utilises the Sacred Rainbow Dragon Breath, Dragon Fire & Dragon Plasma which he harnesses through his Solar Dragon aspect.
His modality utilises the Morphogenetic Field allowing him to create automated healing (transmutation) packages or automated healing (transmutation) tools that use a Keyphrase to download and activate on an individual at their leisure, this allows for a guaranteed uneditable container to be programmed with very specific parameters.
His introduction to Dragons began in mid 2018 when his late brother returned after almost a decade apart, he left in human form and returned in Dragon form.
His brother Shen has since Ascended and he has returned as an Ascended Master and he has opened his own Mystery School, From Darkness to Light Academy for Ascension has so far had almost 3 million souls pass through the school now with 100% reaching their Ascension.
As of late there is several children who attend the Academy during their sleeping hours which is assisting them to prepare themselves for their upcoming roles as the Teachers and Wayshowers of the next generation.
He can be contacted through his website is currently under construction at

Kelley Springer - Butterfly Woman, Dragons came to me 25 years ago and began to communicate with me.

They came to help me see and understand things I could not see on my own and to assist me in remembering my promise to them. Our promises are often prophecy that, we/many of us are here to fulfill.

For me this was “the Great Awakening of the Dragons”, the time when we would remember them. Working as a Healer Internationally for 30 years the Dragons coming into my healing practice offered expansion and new gifts. Becoming a Dragon Communication teacher was a natural progression as my work with them grew.

My healing practice, Love Wisdom Power - Paths to Wholeness, focuses on heart centered empowerment and wholeness. , emotional integration, inner child healing, ancestral thread clearing, past life and Karma clearing and mystery school teachings that include light body initiation and learning to work with higher temples of light in all of creation and getting to know your personal dragon(s).

The Dragon’s helped me to remember and know my connection to them from the beginning of creation itself. As well as our Dragon Counsel of Light partnership with the rising tide of love for all Life.

The Love for all Life is the divine intention given to the Dragons of Light and Ascension to embody.

I love to share the stories and connection we now have with our Dragon friends. 

"Kelley is a Light Language Artist and has been drawing, painting, singing and speaking light language in her practice for 30 years. Light is a flowering language from the source and is the most universal living language in all of creation. She will share about how she uses light language to communicate with Dragons."

Kelley Springer
Loveland, Colorado

Light Language Dina  
Dina is a lover of all things galactic, art, energy, fairy,  dragon, and magical.
Dina has been on a healing journey for at least the last 5 years since she started painting.   Through this process, she has discovered her gifts as a channeler of Divine wisdom and intuitive painter. Dina channels soul language and activation codes with the use of her voice, drumming, movement and painting. Dina is also tapping into the akashic field and can assist others with a deeper connection with themselves, creativity, perspective shifts, sovereignty and embodiment.
Dina began her dragon journey in 2019 and discovered her purpose. When she learned about the Sophia Dragons. After already being an artist, she realized she was channeling these higher frequency energies through her paintings. 
Dina also attended a Celtic dragon reiki and Sekhem empowerment session where key codes were activated to assist others with their abilities and unique expression. 
Dina also connects with her role as a Sophia Dragon activator and channeling the codes into art for the activation and ascending planet .  Dina has been co facilitating dragon ceremonies to build the dragon community to call the dragons home in communion with those human partners. 
Dina is also an activation artist with the intention to serve her clients and collective with authenticity.  Every session is personalized and can include intuitive card reading, painted light code, spoken soul language and shamanic singing and drumming.
You can find her on links, events, sessions and calendar at
Prenisha Arumugam – Owner of Dragon Flame Healing

Prenisha hails from South Africa, Johannesburg, and is a Self Empowerment Practitioner, Reiki Master, Crystal Healing Practitioner, Safe Space Holder, Psychic Medium, and Intuitive. She is a guardian Dragon; Mother of the Realm and also holds a seat on the 12th-dimensional council.

Prenisha utilizes all wisdom, teachings, and lessons passed down to her from past life experiences, her spirit team, and her dragons, to help motivate and inspire. She offers private healing sessions as well as hosting weekly events on various social media platforms – Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, and Youtube. 

Her true purpose in this dimension is to raise vibrations and frequencies within herself and others. She aspires to be unlimited in this creation and to show, by example, that the power of self is exponential and we all have the ability to create a vast, beautiful human experience together. 
To contact her or book a private session email: [email protected]
This link is an invitation to the Beyond the Physical: Revolutionary Conversations Uniting Consciousness and Tech to Create Innovation and Impact for Intuitive Entrepreneurs and Visionaries in Community aires live on June 12-14. Register here for freebies from each speaker and for access to our new exclusive Masterclass, The Book Club Method, creating 5 figure months is easier than you think!!

This is your best opportunity to get instant access to 24 life changing meditations. These will save you YEARS on therapy alone. 
We know it sounds like a bold claim, and we stand behind it 100%. Sitara has a background in Psychology and deliberately chose to explore her gifts beyond the physical to help shortcut the path to healing and ascension with these powerful tools and experiences!! 
Fiona Robertson is a channelled writer, speaker and an intuitive mentor to soul led entrepreneurs, visionaries and change makers and a band of extraordinary passionate creative women and men across the globe. Who create with a true purpose and passion. Known as the ‘The Dragon Messenger' receiving guidance and messages from 8 Dragons for the evolution of the population to Ascend with Grace and Ease. For over a decade she has called in an evolved way of living intuitively following The Dragon Way. Fiona is Soul Led and is the founder and CEO of Retreats specifically designed as a Detox For Your Soul, and the creator of the Home Detox Box. She was guided to Move to France and open a retreat and write the protocol for the mind and body's increased capacity to operate at a higher frequency level and activate the all seeing pineal gland, and thus giving access to the inner vision accelerator and the silent language of intuition.
Cultivating an unbreakable connection she sees millions of women and men being Soul Led. A brand with over two decades of being guided herself and to guide and evolve women into their new identity, mentally, physically, financially and towards careers that serve the greater good. Being spiritually connected and guided, believing in magic and intuitively manifesting success stories. Fiona's work, more than anything, is focused on the belief that everyone deserves to experience a life of freedom, and your inner world creates your outer world and so claiming your phenomenal power and destiny. 
Fiona guides her clients to break the spells they are under, which means unlocking their stubborn beliefs, see the patterns they constantly repeat, unlock their mind to it's truest capacity and potential. She sees that her clients own their own unique soul language to be guided towards their own unique success, to create the freedom that they know is meant to be. 
Through her programs, like the Midas Touch and A course in Practical Magic, and her powerful Dragon readings, she guides you how to holistically regard your entire life and align with the vision source has for you. Fiona listens to the Whispers coming from your soul for the cause of the vibration of the original creation, and feeds that back to you so you can create a body fit for your soul, Business that's telling you what she needs and how to create that, and has a gift for turning tragic relationships into love stories. For all of these transformations she has a wealth of powerful examples coming from pure un edited Soul guidance 
Fiona watches inexplicable events, opportunities and miracles happen daily.
She’s been writing articles for magazines on the art of transformation to living free and having magic at your fingertips for over 20 years. Originally from the U.K. she was guided to live a life of vacation in sunny South West France, raising her boys her fur and feathered friends, to run the retreats for the Soul, write her book on Practical Magic, create the Dragons cards and can regularly be found on the beach, in the woods or hanging out in the garden talking to her Dragons.Fiona Robertson is a channelled author and speaker and creator of updated powerful ways to see people transform rapidly. Her book called Practical Magic Life outlines an extraordinary manifesting series of stories, with precise exercises to complete and the direct messages from the Dragons on just how to amplify and accelerate your own creations.

Fiona Robertson
Soul Partnering, Fiona Robertson

0033 (0) 677052201 Email: [email protected]
Detox Diva and Body Whisperer 

Step into the realm of mystical wonders guided by Siddhii, a gifted Psychic Reader, Dragon Healing Facilitator, and Mentor of over 60 spiritual healing courses. With her diverse array of talents, Siddhii shines as a beacon of enlightenment and transformation.

As a pioneer of Dragon healings in India, Siddhii has introduced the extraordinary Celestial Dragons Healing System, a fast and profound method of restoration. With her healing sessions, she has witnessed magical recoveries in people's lives, touching every facet of their existence.

From an early age, Siddhii was captivated by the ethereal dimensions, embarking on a profound spiritual journey that now shapes her life's purpose. Her remarkable gift as a medium allows her to channel the wisdom and guidance of angels, dragons, and goddesses, offering solace, healing, and transformation to those in need.

Recognized as a trailblazer in the field of dragon healing, Siddhii has unveiled a sacred art that taps into the ancient power and enigma of these majestic creatures. Her groundbreaking techniques have illuminated the lives of countless individuals, bestowing lasting change and nurturing a deep connection with the spiritual realm.

With an extensive reach that has touched the lives of over 10,000 individuals through readings, healings, and workshops, Siddhii stands as an unwavering symbol of hope and inspiration in the realm of holistic wellness. Her exceptional contributions were acknowledged by the prestigious Miral Foundation, which honored her with the distinguished title of "Best Healer of 2022," a testament to her unwavering dedication to her craft and the profound impact she has made on countless lives.

Siddhii's unwavering belief in delivering quick and enduring results has garnered immense respect and reverence. Her mastery spans over 100 healing courses, specializing in diverse areas such as fat reduction, money healing, relationship healing, insomnia, anxiety, and depression. Equipped with an extensive toolkit of techniques, she adeptly addresses a wide range of physical and emotional ailments.

Beyond her healing sanctuary, Siddhii's wisdom and expertise transcend boundaries. A captivating speaker, she has graced stages in numerous Indian cities, captivating audiences with her profound insights into dragon healing and energy restoration. Her words resonate deeply, inspiring all who listen to embrace their transformative journey towards holistic well-being.

Through her innate abilities and unwavering dedication, Siddhii provides accurate readings that delve deep into the heart of matters. With an unwavering commitment to fast and effective healing,

she stands as a powerful catalyst for transformation, illuminating the path towards personal growth and inner harmony.

In the realm of spiritual wellness, Siddhii's name shines brightly as a guiding light, offering solace, healing, and empowerment to all who seek her guidance. With grace and compassion, she leaves an indelible mark on the lives she touches, awakening their true potential and enabling them to embrace a life of profound meaning and fulfilment. Embark on this extraordinary journey with Siddhii, and unlock the power within.

Social media links:

Email:  [email protected]




Fabiene is a Shadow Integrator, Light Language Activator, and Spiritual Coach. Through her experience in healing and integrating her Shadow Self, the path that unfolded led to incredible activation and remembrance of her multidimensional Soul. 

Since the dragons first appeared to her in the third phase of her Awakening, they have guided her to maintain the integrity of her infinite loving heart and share the loving wisdom. She works with the Dragons in dreamscape to awaken her brothers and sisters so we can all return home. Fabiene channels Dragon Light Language to call to those who are ready to rise in the wisdom of conflicts past, the Dragons hope you will heed the call.

As a multidimensional channel, Fabiene sees your highest potential and guides you to it. She believes you are an infinite powerful being of love and light with your own unique magic. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, Fabiene holds space for you and is a mirror for you to see what your soul already knows.



Caryn Terres, The Dragon Doula, is a multi-dimensional entrepreneur, political activist, internationally known author/speaker & newly single mother of 3 in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Caryn knows that working with dragons attunes you to the true energetic frequency of your Soul Mission, allowing you to activate your heartwomb chakra so you can BE you were born to be. 




I channel Divine Guidance for Starseeds and Earth Warriors connecting them to their Star Families, Dragon and Galactic Lineages. I use light language frequencies and work with your Cosmic Connections to facilitate high-frequency healing transmissions and encoded activations.

After earning a Masters in Fine Art from the University of Arizona in Tucson, I merged my passion for art and metaphysics together with my background in cross cultural mentoring and teaching to design and lovingly develop Galactic Guided Intensives. These are 9 week channeled (dis)Courses that hold BIG space, inviting you deeper into your truth and resourced god-self; while empowering you to heal and walk your unique Ascension path.

Email: [email protected]
Instagram: @galacticashley.activates
Telegram: @galacticashley

Atlantis Wolf is a Shaman, Master Breathwork Facilitator, and licensed medical massage therapist. After a career in civil engineering and financial services, she has spent the last 13 years helping over 3,000 clients confront their physical and metaphysical pain. From chronic muscle tightness to trauma and unreleased emotional energy, Atlantis takes an intuitive approach to healing. Part of her secret is connecting to spiritual realms using breathwork, drumming, fire ceremonies, and the guidance of galactic dragons."


Email: [email protected]

YouTube: Atlantis Wolf

Instagram: @DragonMedicineWoman

Carly Jane Shua, is an author of three books, and many journals available on Amazon. 
  • Three Golden Keys of Merlin.
  • Soul Dragons - Finding The Magic within
  • A Voice for Spirit - Mediumship & healing. 
Carly's journey with spirit started at a young age, but she was unaware of her spiritual potential until 2012.  At this time, she had what was her third spiritual awakening.  Crippled and disabled with CFS/ME & Fibromyalgia, she was bedridden, until she found some powerful Spiritual Healers.   As a Professional nurse and tutor, she had never realised the potential of Spirit.  She had been communicating with many loved ones in spirit, but wasn't aware of the healers that she could access. 
She was to find her way out of her darkness due to many amazing healers.  Today, she shares her connections to others, inspiring others to expand their awareness to new possibilities.   She has 16 courses on the online platform Udemy,  with over 700,  5 star reviews and 4000 students. Her first ever course, two years ago, was the Simple Guide to dragon healing, and this was so successful, she is still blown away by the success. 
She continues to channel books, paintings, and courses, to hold the light for these amazing light workers, who are here to raise our consciousness.  
Here for us she shares thirty minutes of her time, attuning us to our dragons, and to empower us all to open the portals of light through building an intentional dragon altar. 
Find her all her work at

Kieron Morgan is a healer, teacher, Alchemyst, and Brother of Dragons, with over 20 years experience on the path.

My roots are planted in the Old ways with a deep love of Mother Earth, Elementals, and Magic, but my head is in the stars, also working with Ascended Masters, Angels, and my beloved Dragon collective; all under the guidance of Master Merlin, my Father in Spirit.

For the last decade, I have offered my work around the UK and Europe, being a guest reader and regular workshop facilitator at the College of Psychic Studies in London for a number of years. I offer workshops on a number of esoteric subjects, readings with my bespoke Dragon Rune cards, and a range of healing sessions to help those in need to release that which no longer suits or served them and to help and support them as they move forward on their journey.

I am the Master and Founder of Pendragon Reiki, an energetic healing system using Dragon energy for healing and protection. This was given to me by The Merlin in 2016 and has grown in stature and popularity since its inception.

I am deeply honoured to be the Guardian of the Violet Flame Earth Chakra which sits on Leith Hill in Surrey (my childhood home). A magical place of transformation and Alchemy, where I offer guided tours (both physical and virtual) so people can connect and learn some of the secrets of this amazing place and the truly life-changing energy that it holds.

I am a proud trustee of Divine Energy International, a worldwide non-profit organisation for energy healers.

Its vision is “A world where energy healing is for all.”

I have also recently written a chapter in the Amazon multi-national best-selling book “The Energy Healer’s Oracle” 


Facebook: @brotherofdragons  

Instagram: @thebrotherofdragons

Youtube: @kieronmorgan-brotherofdragons


I love Magic, Believe in all things Mystical, and see Miracles all the time...

From an early age, I saw Lions in my bedroom, horses' heads on the pillow, and shoes walking across the landing.

And as I've gone through life I've experienced a lot of mystical events, from Dragons visiting me while I hacked out on my horse in the English countryside, through visitations from wise ones, deep realisations during Vipassana 10-day ' monk-like' retreats, to connections with Pachamama in Peru while visiting Machu Picchu and numerous other learnings during Reiki (Master), Rahanni and Shamanic remembrances & time as a Life coach.

I always knew I wanted to do something useful with my life, I've always been attuned to the energies of a room and people, and my empathic abilities have always been strong, though for decades I suppressed them, to fit in. Always, I have felt the sensitive energies of life and had to weave my way through them carefully at times, as they have often overwhelmed me.

A couple of decades ago I first had the stomach-deep feeling that my normal life was not enough for my Soul, and I experienced 'Dark Nights Of The Soul', I had no one to guide me through and spent a while stuck in the deep dark pits of my mind. Luckily, or now I know, guided by my spirit team I met a Reiki Master and then a Shamanic teacher, and I started to embody my gifts fully, I read Genekeys by Richard Rudd and that confirmed my strong feelings, it says my life mission is ”Service to spirit as a compassionate healer and mystic merger“

After four decades in corporate information technology, all the time honing my mystical skills, with numerous courses and certifications in healing, {Reiki Master, Rahanno Celestial energy healer, Shamanic Healer},  in February 2021 I started full-time as the EnglishMystic offering healing energy and meditations, and recently I started teaching with 'Mystical You' and 'Remember You're Magic'



Join us on 2nd July 2023 at the {FREE} online Dragon Thunder Summit 2023.



Join Facebook and enjoy the runup to the  {FREE} online Dragon Thunder Summit 2023.



Unleash Your Inner Dragon! The July International Dragon Thunder Summit promises to be an exciting opportunity for dragon enthusiasts to connect with each other and learn from renowned experts in the field.


Install a skill/spell in a multi-universal scale

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Dragon Talks - Rich and Denise share

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This awesome Story Card is the brainchild of Tim Paschke