10 Reasons people are afraid to learn shamanism
Feb 10, 2023
10 Reasons people are afraid to learn shamanism
1. People are afraid of the unknown. Shamanism is a path that requires us to step outside of our comfort zone and into the unknown.
2. People are afraid of the dark. Shamanism often involves working with energies that are unseen to the naked eye. This can be scary for some people.
3. People are afraid of losing control. Shamanism can sometimes involve altered states of consciousness. This can be a scary prospect for people who like to be in control of their environment at all times.
4. People are afraid of the supernatural. Shamanism often involves working with energies that are beyond our everyday understanding. This can be a scary prospect for people who do not believe in the supernatural.
5. People are afraid of being healed. Shamanism often involves working with energies that can be used for healing. This can be a scary prospect for people who do not want to face their own issues.
6. People are afraid of making changes. Shamanism often involves making changes in our lives. This can be a scary prospect for people who like things to stay the same.
7. People are afraid of facing their fears. Shamanism often involves facing our fears head on. This can be a scary prospect for people who would rather avoid their fears.
8. People are afraid of the unknown future. Shamanism often involves working with energies that can help us to see into the future. This can be a scary prospect for people who do not like change.
9. People are afraid of death. Shamanism often involves working with energies that can help us to understand and accept death. This can be a scary prospect for people who are afraid of dying.
10. People are afraid of being alone. Shamanism often involves working with energies that can help us to connect with our spiritual guides. This can be a scary prospect for people who do not like being alone.